Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ebenezer the Donkey

Ebenezer has been a resident of our town for many years, but recently he has become something of a celebrity.  He had developed some health problems; his teeth were in poor condition and he could no longer graze.  Also he suffered from a painful hoof condition.

Then a resident sent Ebenezer's story to The Kansas City Star.  After the story appeared, people began sending money to cover the donkey's veterinary bills, and beyond that, to build a better shed for Ebenezer.

Herb and I went to visit Ebenezer recently.  He loves company and appreciates being stroked.  If he really takes a liking to you, he will nudge you with his head.  He seems comfortable now; he is on a diet of Purina equine food for "seniors." 

1 comment:

  1. That's nice that people chipped in for Ebenezer's health expenses, and nice you both went to visit him :)
