Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Big Worm

Herb called out in a voice filled with excitement:  Get the camera and come see this!
(Some may consider us a low-key family, but we tend to become enthusiastic about this kind of thing.)  There was what looked like an earthworm on steroids crossing our front walk, headed for the damp shadows under the Japanese yews.  It was definitely a worm, not a small snake.  For comparison, that's Herb's shoe, which measures about 12 inches long.  On close examination (down on my hands and knees), I could see the worm's little round mouth.  I did not examine the other end.

You know, I really do think I should have studied Biology.


  1. Wum, Mommy, WUM!

    Don't forget, in Biology you have to cut things up, not just look at them ;) Amazing you could see it's mouth!

  2. Ah, yes, in Biology class they do make you cut them up....

    For anyone else reading this, Debbie was once my gardening assistant when she was, oh maybe 2 or 3 years old. While helping me with the gardening, she often said, "Wum, Mommy, wum!" and cupped her hands for me to drop the worm in them.

    Even then she was gentle with living things, including worms.
