Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Bramble Bush Project

Before:  This is one of three places in our yard where a mixture of honeysuckle, wild grapevine, and wild rose had taken over.  Used to be we kinda liked the natural look, but it had become too much.  Besides, I think the neighbors didn't care much for it.

After:  I removed this bramble bush area plus two more not shown.  Also I took out wild grapevine along about 150 feet of fence.  Not only did I cut and pull the growth out, I cut it up and bagged it so that it could be taken away and made into compost.  There's still work to be done, removing a maze of honeysuckle roots, but the main part is done.  Does it look better?  Perhaps a matter of opinion--it's a work in progress.


  1. Wow, that's an incredible removal job! Vines can look good but they were so overgrown, they looked like kudzu in this case. So I think you were right to remove them. That tree turning red looks pretty too!

  2. Wow, it looks so clean back there now! That looks like it was a huge amount of work. Good job, Mom!
