Friday, July 30, 2010

Portrait of a Retired Person


Today I joined the ranks of the retired.  It was not an easy thing to do, because I had been performing my job for quite a few years, and there are many things about it that I will miss.  I will be forever thankful for the work I was given to do and the people with whom I worked.

It was time to retire, though.  I look forward to morning walks and afternoon naps.  If I get up at 5 am, it will be because I choose to get up then.  In high school I was known as an artist.  It's time to be an artist again.  Once an English major, always an English major, there are books to read and hopefully things to write about.  There are sewing projects.   There is a house that needs better feng shui.  There are grown children and growing grandchildren to visit.  There are national parks to explore.  It is possible that I will do better about cooking.  Next winter when there is snow and ice, I will be comfortably at home in my sweat pants.

This is something of a big change in my life...  we shall see how it all unfolds.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Improvements to the Longview Lake Trails

Improvements are underway along the Longview Lake biking and hiking trails.  The old asphalt is being removed and replaced with crushed limestone, as shown in the photo.  The improved trails will be considerably wider, too, which will provide added safety for bicyclists and walkers.  There's still a bit of work to be done, but progress has been made.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Luna Moth

A luna moth has been on our patio door screen at least since Saturday morning.  Oh, and by the way, they don't glow in the dark like they show on the Lunesta commercials.