Monday, July 26, 2010

Improvements to the Longview Lake Trails

Improvements are underway along the Longview Lake biking and hiking trails.  The old asphalt is being removed and replaced with crushed limestone, as shown in the photo.  The improved trails will be considerably wider, too, which will provide added safety for bicyclists and walkers.  There's still a bit of work to be done, but progress has been made.


  1. Judging by the smile on Herb's face I'm thinking that bike riding will still be an option on the new surface. I know that was a concern with the crushed limestone; will it be ok for bike riding? Hope so!

  2. The limestone appears to have been crushed to a powder, and when it is packed down it's quite solid, almost like concrete only more porous.

  3. Looks like the trail will be good for biking and walking...yay!
